.. na'tan i apostasi gyaliii memias na to spaswww-w-w-w ki oute mia stigmiiii-i-i-i- na mi se ksanaxaa-a-asww-w-w-w
axxxaaxxaxxxaxxxaxaxaxxa to thymasai to asma? imastan mpempekia tote..oute pou thymamai poios to elege, o mpigalis, o livieratos i mipws o kalliris? apantiste kai kerdiste ena taksidi me eksoda dika sas. oli i afrokrema tis parakmis parelaynei se ena comment.
exw skasei sta gelia moni mou kai me mountzwnw kar kar kar
Marilou graduated from the University of Greenwich Creative Writing Programme 2006. She has been a columist - freelance writer & Pr Manager. Her influences include Nina Cassian, Kiki Dimoula & ee cummings. She lives in Greece, enjoying the talks & the experiences. She's trying to figure out her dreams, which include living on an island, publishing a collection of her poems, getting a cat and founding a creative writing school in Greece.
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd. Alexander Pope
.. na'tan i apostasi gyaliii
memias na to spaswww-w-w-w
ki oute mia stigmiiii-i-i-i-
na mi se ksanaxaa-a-asww-w-w-w
to thymasai to asma? imastan mpempekia tote..oute pou thymamai poios to elege, o mpigalis, o livieratos i mipws o kalliris? apantiste kai kerdiste ena taksidi me eksoda dika sas. oli i afrokrema tis parakmis parelaynei se ena comment.
exw skasei sta gelia moni mou kai me mountzwnw
kar kar kar
Του Σαββιδάκη ήταν τούτο' δω!!!
Δεν θέλω το ταξίδι, την αφρόκρεμα θέλω!!!
.. και να είχαμε λεφτά χωρίς να χρειάζεται δουλειά :P
χεχεχε.. καλά που 3ε8άψατε το Σαββιδάκη.. εμένα μου ήρθε το 'μη σας λέω μη μιλάτε το κορίτσι μου κοιμάται' οεο
γουρουνάκι συμφωνώ..
itan to agapimeno mou kapote....
ma kala einai dynaton na min to thymomoun? ntropi mou!
kerdises miso psygeio!
Εχεις όρεξη;
Να σου δώσω πέντε λέξεις, να τις κάνεις ό,τι θες!!!
Στο blog μου είναι οι λεπτομέρειες!
Σε φιλώ γλυκάααα!
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